Greetings, Citizens of Midgard!
Thank you for making the YMIR community awesome and the team has a great appreciation for everything that you do.
Rest assured that we are doing everything we can to get you back to Midgard as fast as possible.
We know you guys have been waiting for a long time but for now, let us share with you some updates behind the scene.
It’s been a productive month for the team and we are nearly done with the smart contract updates while simultaneously developing our very own Ymir Exchange that works like Binance.
All major functions with metamask to the in-game wallet and vice versa have been already tested and successful.
This includes deposit and withdrawing tokens that can be done at your own convenience, at any given time within the chain.
In addition to that, some new features have been added to our smart contract address such as to permit and blacklist.
Currently, we are working on Staking Smart Contract and forking Pancake Swap.
Having our own platform to swap the tokens will incentivize the liquidity providers with our own RoKs or Ymir instead of Cake.
With that said, You will expect a newly generated Smart Contract Address of Ymir Coin very soon.
In line with this, we have decided to lock the Team Fund once the new Smart Contract has been deployed.
Also, in the month of February or March, we will start selling the tokens allocated for our liquidity pool.
This means that all tokens sold will be added to increase our Liquidity pool once our swap is available.
The liquidity pool that is provided by the team will be locked on YmirSwap.
Private individuals or companies can participate in this event.
We have some private investors who expressed their interest to buy the tokens and become liquidity providers to help the project grow, mainly providing more liquidity to our community.
This ensures that liquidity is always going to be available for Ymir Coins!
A bunch of updates is coming out this February.
Again, Thank you so much for your patience, and we look forward to seeing you inside!!
Alpha Testing: 1st week of February
Token Distribution: February 15, 2022
CBT: 3rd week of February
Ymir Exchange: 3rd-4th week of February
Official contract address on Binance Smart Chain:
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