We’d like to thank everyone who joined and shared their memorable moments.
We really enjoyed reading all your stories and I’m sure you also found some of the stories funny, inspiring, and full of nostalgic moments too ❤️
To me, I also have a fair share of experience where I met most of my friends playing Ragnarok and until now…
Our friendship keeps getting stronger and stronger.
We grind hard in real life, we grind harder in-game!
What’s next?
Each post will be reviewed and we will then post the (5) winners of 200 YMIR Coins!!
So stay tuned!!
There are so many new updates are coming out for YMIR RSS…
So watch out for that and make sure you don’t miss anything!
Alright? Awesome!
Join us and get involved now in our official community.
Here are the links!
📌Discord — https://discord.gg/S7SHBxfQpS
📌Telegram — https://t.me/YmirCoinOfficial
📌Twitter — https://twitter.com/YmirCoin
📌Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/RagnarokSarahServerOfficial
📌Medium — https://ymircoin.medium.com/