[Ragnarok Sarah Server] YMIR Coin: Another LIVE AMA with Dexter Plays!
DJ Khaled!! “Another one!”
Are you ready for another LIVE AMA?
We don’t do this very often but this time is going to be different.
If there are still questions in your mind that keep bugging you…
Or anything that you want to understand about the YMIR Coin project…
We want you to tune in with us together with one of the most reliable and hilarious streamers on Youtube…
Dexter Plays PH!
We’d like to invite you to watch us live tomorrow — Wednesday, November 24, 2021, at 8PM GMT +8.
During this LIVE session, Dexter is going to conduct a review and ask questions too about the Ragnarok Sarah Server Ymir Coin.
Not only that…
The whole team is ready to give a 100 YMIR Coin Airdrop to 10 Lucky viewers!
How to Join?
- SUBSCRIBE to DEXTER PLAYS PH on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/DexterPlaysPH = 2 raffle entries
- Like and share any posts from Ragnarok Sarah Server Facebook Official page with a hashtag #DexterPlaysYmirCoin = 1 raffle entry
- Like and Retweet any posts from Ragnarok Sarah Server Official Twitter account with a hashtag #DexterPlaysYmirCoin = 1 raffle entry
- Join “both” of the community in discord and telegram using the links below = 2 raffle entries
- Comment below with a screenshot of steps 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- TAG 5 of your friends with the hashtag #DexterPlaysYmirCoin. = 2 raffle entry
- Want to get the extra 2 raffle entries to make it a total of 10? Share the live AMA on “both” Facebook and Twitter! = 2 raffle entries
(Note: If you already are a subscriber on Dexter’s Youtube channel or part of the YMIR Coin community in Discord and Telegram, secure a screenshot.)
Be sure to follow the 7 steps above to maximize the 10 raffle entries and have a higher chance of getting the prize!
Pretty exciting isn’t it?
So stay tuned, and watch us live!
See you there! 😀
Want to learn more about the current campaigns?
Check out the links below!
Discord Campaign and Referral program: https://bit.ly/2ZXegT2
YMIR Coin Whitepaper: https://docs.ymircoin.com/
YMIR Coin Whitelisting: https://bit.ly/3boNHZh
Public Sale Registration: https://app.ymircoin.com
Not part of the community yet? Here are the links!
📌Discord — https://discord.gg/vqnyVAXyDw
📌Telegram — https://t.me/YmirCoinOfficial
📌Twitter — https://twitter.com/YmirCoin
📌Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/RagnarokSarahServerOfficial
📌Medium — https://ymircoin.medium.com/